Ignis Fatuus

23 August - 20 September 2024

Ignis Fatuus is the fourth group show at Detriti.

In European folklore, the concept of Ignis Fatuus is referenced as the phenomenon of a flickering, elusive light, thought to be created by elemental spirits, to mislead travellers on their journeys. In metaphorical terms, Ignis Fatuus can represent the notion of artistic pursuit; a hope or goal that one works towards, sometimes without clear sight of the destination.

In its positive sense Ignis Fatuus also symbolises guidance and inspiration. Its mysterious light serves as a beacon of hope, guiding seekers towards discoveries, creative insights, or spiritual enlightenment. Like this flickering light, creative inspiration can appear unexpectedly.

Artists: Amanda Nordqvist · Annika Wennberg · Esbjörn Grip · Hugo Hernqvist · Jonas Örtemark · Maie Wisur · Mercè Torres Ràfols · Nina Kraul Maegaard Nielsen · Sofia Tillman

With support from the City of Gothenburg.